Winds of Change! Or Winds of a Typical Alberta Spring… Updates & News

It’s been a while since I’ve shared updates with y’all, so I figured this post was a little overdue.

And can I just say that the wind up here is absolutely freezing?? Hence, the wacky name. (It got your attention, though, didn’t it?! 😉 )

Life Updates

Things have been a bit of a roller coaster lately, and it feels like I’m constantly trying to find my feet before being hit with another gust of wind. (Very similar to the wind that’s been freezing us every time we step outside!) For the most part, I’m content, yet often get blindsided by something that rattles my confidence and contentment. Looking at it from a different angle, I can see it for the spiritual attack it is. Alas, my weak human nature.


This month it seems everything is wrapping up. There is one week left for our homeschool community and it is both exciting and sad. It’s been so great working with the kiddos in my class, but it sucks to see the year end. Next week is our wrap up day and my class has decided to showcase their memory work by reciting The Middle Ages Timeline. (It was the shortest of our timeline as a whole.) I’m looking forward to seeing them present!

My young adults group will be traveling to Saskatchewan next weekend to lead a Sunday morning service for a church plant some friends started about eight years ago. My family and I went out there one weekend when the church plant was brand new, so it will be fun to go and see how much it’s grown since then. I’m super excited to get to know more of the people involved in my young adults, along with the people at our sister church while serving on the worship team!

I’ve been dabbling in some natural remedies. Hehehe. I feel like a bit of an apothecary…that uses YouTube and Google to find out what essential oils are safe for skin in a cream. It’s been fun and I’m contemplating whether or not I want to make this little side hobby a more permanent project. We’ll just have to see, I guess!

For the last little bit, my grandparents and I have been going to a senior’s home nearby and leading music for a Bible study. It’s been so much fun getting to know the folks there while blessing them with music (and learning some of the hymns in the process!)

Writing Updates

Writing has been…almost non-existent.

Well, not entirely. I’ve been working on a few roadmaps for a novel or two, but have only written a little bit in book 3 of The Three Sisters series. I’m hoping to get the ball rolling here once things slow down.

Life Goals

The goals for the remainder of the month (which, as I write this, is very short), include spending more time with my family, maybe make some new friends, and try something a little bit different. I’m not really sure what, but maybe my trip can count as that.

Writing Goals

Writing wise, I hope to get a few chapters into book 3 as that will help boost my creative drive here and get ‘er done! This month will also include getting The Dreamer proofread, accepting more folks onto the launch and ARC team (there’s still tons of room!) and finalizing a few things, Lord willing.

What does spring look like in your neck of the woods? Anything exciting going on? I’d love to hear about it!


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