April Showers Bring May Flowers? Or Both Months Had an Identity Crisis

Howdy, folks! I apologize for last week's lack of posting. I was incredibly short on sleep, between wrapping up the last day of teaching as well as preparing for a weekend trip with my church's young adults group, that finishing up a blog post went right out the window. (Not to mention recovering from a... Continue Reading →

Winds of Change! Or Winds of a Typical Alberta Spring… Updates & News

It's been a while since I've shared updates with y'all, so I figured this post was a little overdue. And can I just say that the wind up here is absolutely freezing?? Hence, the wacky name. (It got your attention, though, didn't it?! 😉 ) Life Updates Things have been a bit of a roller... Continue Reading →

Welcome, January! Updates & Goals

Happy Friday, everyone! And happy New Year to you all! My family spent New Year's eve munching on snacks and watching movies together before we heard fireworks. At 9 p.m. We told ourselves that we would celebrate with Nova Scotia’s time zone so we could go to bed, but then my dad and I got... Continue Reading →

Spring is Here! Updates & News

May (and actually, the last few days of April, too) have been so sunny and bright, it feels like summer! Granted, the humidity and dust haven't been the greatest thing to get along with, but I'm just grateful that I can go out without a sweater... most of the time. Early mornings are still a... Continue Reading →

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