This Gray Canvas – Book Spotlight

Happy Friday, friends, and a happy belated release day to Jaiden Phillips and her latest, This Gray Canvas! This Gray Canvas is a middle-grade novel that's perfect for the whole family! Keep reading to learn more about the book! About The Book Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in? Ethan... Continue Reading →

It Started At The Lake – Book Review

5 stars Wow! What an adorable, summery read that makes me incredibly excited to spend some time in the sun! Amanda has written yet another wonderful contemporary romance that held my attention quite securely for an entire day. (Did I mention that this is the first novel I've been able to read from start to... Continue Reading →

Thank You!

Hello, folks, and welcome to the weekend! How'd y'all fare this week? I just wanted to say a huge thank-you to all of you for making release day such an incredibly fantastic day! Your support and kind words were such a blessing, and it was truly an amazing day. (Paperbacks are available on Amazon!) Amazon... Continue Reading →

It’s Release Day!

Happy Monday, everyone! Guess what today is??? Y'all probably know, but... It's officially release day for The Dreamer! The chaos behind the scenes in getting ready for a book launch has been exhausting, but I can't thank you all enough for your encouragement and support in this little piece of my heart that's become The... Continue Reading →

Abide with Me – A New Release!

Today I have the pleasure of sharing Mikayla Robbins’ latest release, Abide with Me! Abide with Me is a Christian historical fiction novel set during the war between the states and follows Christy, Lizzie, Trenton, and Levi as they navigate the tumultuous changes in their lives. I was blessed to receive an ARC from Mikayla... Continue Reading →

The Guild of Thieves Release Day!

Happy Friday, friends! Today is a very special day for my dear friend, Jaiden Phillips: her debut novel, The Guild of Thieves, released today! Congrats, Jaidie, on Dice's story! The Guild of Thieves is a Christian fantasy novel perfect for all ages! You can find Jaidie on Goodreads or at About the Book “Being... Continue Reading →

In Spotlight and Shadow – a book review

In Spotlight and Shadow by Rachel Scott McDaniel Christian fiction, romance, mystery, contemporary, historical fiction, Rating: Five stars (an amazing read!) Wow... this book sucked me in and when I finally re-entered the real world, a day had gone by and I wanted to keep reading more of this! Alas, I'd reached 'The End.' In... Continue Reading →

Love’s New Beginnings – a book review

Love's New Beginnings by Penny Zeller Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Historical Romance Rating: Five Stars (Amazing read!) Looking for an adorable, holiday-themed story with a touch of romance? Then this is the book for you! A misunderstanding and a harmless yet frustrating prank taint new school teacher Lydie's view of the young reverend Solomon. But... Continue Reading →

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