E. G. Bella – Author Interview & Spotlight

Happy Monday, folks! How was everyone’s weekend?

Today I have the privilege of sharing an interview with E. G. Bella! Her latest release, Cabin Girl, is now available for purchase on Amazon!

Thanks for agreeing to an interview! Would you mind sharing a little bit about yourself?

Thank you so much for having me! 

Absolutely! I’m E. G. Bella (Bella, for short), an indie author who writes faith-infused adventure novels for young adults. I live in the upper U. S., and, other than writing, I enjoy reading, hiking, playing games with my husband, spending time with family, and anything involving music or acting. My ultimate dream would be to become a full-time author, allowing my husband and I to both be home and homeschool our children in the future. 

How did your writing journey begin?

I suppose it began before I could even technically write. When I was even as young as four or five, I remember drawing pictures – a page for every section of the story I wanted to tell – and having my mom staple them together so I could “read” them to other family members. As soon as I could write, I began filling notebooks with short stories, and I wrote my first novelette when I was eleven. It wasn’t until I was about sixteen that I realized it might actually be possible to take this hobby, this thing I loved, and turn it into any sort of career. I’ve been at it ever since!

What do you enjoy the most about writing?

Meeting all of the characters, and sharing what they learn in a way that can help real people going through similar struggles. Characters are my favorite parts of stories, and getting to write them feels like getting to know new friends. I go on such amazing journeys with them, and if I’m honest with myself during the process, I end up learning lessons right along with them. Some of the highest praise I receive as an author is to hear that others feel that same strong connection with my characters as I do. 

What is your favorite genre/time period to write in and why?

That’s so tough! I’m still figuring this out, to be honest. I’ve written in a lot of genres, but so far, I’d say my favorite settings to write in have involved the Golden Age of Piracy, medieval Europe, or a dystopian United States. I’m dabbling in fantasy and contemporary as well, but I haven’t had enough experience with them yet to know if they’re a favorite. In general, I like finding a balance between either too much real-life research or too much fantasy worldbuilding. 

Do you try to incorporate elements of faith in your writing?

Absolutely! Some novels, such as Cabin Girl, are explicitly Christian. For me, that means at least one of the characters is a Christian, openly speaks about it, and demonstrates real Christian growth and behavior. Some are more allegorical, such as my short story, The Toymaker’s Doll. And finally, a good number of my novels aren’t explicitly Christian, but always contain elements and themes that can be traced back to faith. Truth, hope, light, honor, and love have such amazing potential to point back to their Creator, even in what could otherwise be a regular novel.

What do you find as a writer is the hardest part of writing?

Editing is the bane of my existence as a writer. I love what happens to the story after it’s edited, but absolutely detest the process, haha. I’m much more of a “write and don’t look back so I don’t have to deal with all of the glaring issues” kind of author. Learning how to get better at the process–and even enjoy it–has been a huge area of growth for me. 

Otherwise, discouragement is probably the absolute hardest part of being an author. There are always people that don’t enjoy your writing, don’t agree with you, don’t support your journey, and that’s hard. I’m a people-pleaser and really struggle with that, and I think every writer can relate to the difficulty. Some days you just don’t see why you should even keep writing. 

How do you deal with discouragement?

I let myself take a step back and breathe, first of all. The more I dwell on a hurtful comment or tricky story issue, the worse my mindset gets. One thing that really helps me get back into the right headspace is to remind myself why I’m writing the story in the first place. Why do I love it so much? What made me start writing it? Prayer is huge, as is talking to supportive people about my story and consuming media (music, movies, other books, etc.) that remind me of my work in progress. Basically, I need to get excited about my project all over again. 

Then, I go back to it. While a step away is super important, I have to be careful not to let that discouraging event keep me from coming back to a story that I know I ultimately do love. 

Where do you find inspiration for writing?

Everywhere! In snippets of random conversations (“wouldn’t it be crazy if…”), in dreams, while contemplating intriguing questions (“what if our only sense was smell?”), from other movies or books, from learning about other people’s life experiences, from my own, and even from listening to a good song. 

Not every burst of inspiration makes for a good writing project – in fact, most of mine don’t – but it keeps me on my toes, and I never know when a random thought will be the perfect story start, line of dialogue, or scene for some future book. I try to be on the lookout for those ideas.

What is your ultimate goal when/in writing?

My ultimate goal is to be an example of Christ through my writing, and to help people learn through stories. I want readers of my books to finish them better than they were when they started. Whether that’s because they realized something new about God, or about their own life, I want my stories to help be a source of growth. I’ve been changed by many stories myself, both good and bad, and I realize how powerful they can be as a learning tool. I want to use that potential for godly purposes. 

Where do you hope you and your writing will be six months from now?

In six months, I would love to have written another novel (not sure if I can manage NaNoWriMo this year, as I’ll probably be moving in November, but I want to do something like it), and have made significant editing and publishing progress with one of the novels I’ve already written. Not to mention continuing to blog and post on social media routinely.

Do you mind sharing a bit about your current writing project?

Sure! My current writing project is one of the next novels I want to publish – a continuation of Cabin Girl’s series. This one is a prequel story that I wrote during a NaNoWriMo back in 2021, and I’m enjoying the opportunity to get back into it. It needs a lot of editing, but the core of the story is there, and it will be fun to polish it up so I can share it. 

I’m sure I’ll be releasing more information soon, but it’s about whom I’m told is one of the most enjoyed characters (and my favorite) from Cabin Girl: the Captain. The story centers around his life and introduction to piracy. An origin story, if you will. 

What’s one thing/word of encouragement you want to share with readers right now?

Nothing is too big for God. No worry, hardship, fear, struggle, or hurt is more than He can handle, and He’s not surprised by any of it. That’s something that I’ve had to learn over and over again in my personal life, and I see it reflecting into so many of my stories. Even when we’re discouraged and things seem to be at their darkest, God is always right there with a plan and a purpose, and He’s going to use all of it for His good intents in ways that are probably going to astonish us. We can trust Him with whatever is going on in our lives – always. 

Thank you!

Thank you so much for having me! This has been fun!

About E. G. Bella

E. G. Bella is a bookworm-turned-author with a passion for cheesy puns, colorful characters, and contagious faith. She writes stories infused with adventure, hope, and just enough humor, and strives to craft memorable and page-turning tales the whole family can enjoy.

When she’s not writing, thinking about writing, or gushing about her stories to her patient husband, Bella can be found sipping warm coffee, reading emotional books, and harmonizing with the radio. Sometimes all at once. You can visit her at www.egbella.com, where she blogs regularly about life, writing, and what she’s learning about both. 

About the Book: Cabin Girl

Eight years ago, young Éirinn O’Connell’s papa disappeared at sea.

Many sleepless nights later, in the rolling hills of 1600’s Ireland, Éirinn has given up on his return – while her mama continues to watch the horizon, her grasp of reality slipping. Desperate to provide for her and her sister, Éirinn learns all she can of medicine and spends her days struggling to assist villagers who shun her for her crooked back.

Then in one brutal night, Barbary pirates raid her village, and Éirinn is dragged from her family and the only home she’s ever known.

Set on a course to Morocco, and amidst a crew as turbulent as the ocean around her, Éirinn is forced to tend to the sick quartermaster. In addition, she must serve as cabin girl to the infamous Captain Gills, a hard-hearted man bent on thwarting her every attempt to return home…to the family she prays still lives.

As Éirinn searches for a way home, she soon finds that all is not what it seems aboard The Lonely Eye. Unrest brews and mutiny whispers. Allies appear in unexpected places. A cunning enemy plots. Who can she trust? Will her God carry her through the storms? And how can she survive the Captain’s constant torment?

The answers are unlike anything she expects.

Now available for purchase! Amazon CanadaAmazon U. S. A.

Have you added Cabin Girl to your TBR pile? Or your shopping cart? (I have!)


12 thoughts on “E. G. Bella – Author Interview & Spotlight

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  1. Excellent interview, Abbigail. And kudos to Bella for the ways she incorporates elements of faith in her writing. So many opportunities for writers to honor God.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved reading this interview, ladies! Discouragement is one of the worst parts of being an author, but I loved Bella’s advice to take a step back and get excited for your book again. Definitely something I’m going to remember to do!!! AND I AM INSANELY EXCITED TO HEAR THE CAPTAIN IS GETTING AN ORIGIN STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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