This Gray Canvas – Book Spotlight

Happy Friday, friends, and a happy belated release day to Jaiden Phillips and her latest, This Gray Canvas! This Gray Canvas is a middle-grade novel that's perfect for the whole family! Keep reading to learn more about the book! About The Book Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in? Ethan... Continue Reading →

It Started At The Lake – Book Review

5 stars Wow! What an adorable, summery read that makes me incredibly excited to spend some time in the sun! Amanda has written yet another wonderful contemporary romance that held my attention quite securely for an entire day. (Did I mention that this is the first novel I've been able to read from start to... Continue Reading →

A New Creation, A Broken World

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”II Corinthians 5:17 Something has been on my heart—and Instagram feed—that I feel needs to be addressed.  You may have heard the term “clean fiction.” You may have heard of an author who only... Continue Reading →

Thank You!

Hello, folks, and welcome to the weekend! How'd y'all fare this week? I just wanted to say a huge thank-you to all of you for making release day such an incredibly fantastic day! Your support and kind words were such a blessing, and it was truly an amazing day. (Paperbacks are available on Amazon!) Amazon... Continue Reading →

A Valentine’s Giveaway? Yes, Please!

MEGA GIVEAWAY ALERT! xr:d:DAFeFQhSTHQ:1144,j:1325601096083560297,t:24012812 In honor of Valentine's Day on the 14th, a group of indie romance authors have come together to give away their romances. With 20 books from 15 different authors, this giveaway is open to readers of all genres with romance! To enter to win this mega giveaway find the link in... Continue Reading →

His North Star – a book review

This was just the thing I needed to read to get out of my reading slump! From the first page I was hooked and gladly lost myself in the world of Maren and Ty. Maren's struggle to overcome the lies she's been told from a previous failed relationship completely changed everything. Her family and best... Continue Reading →

Top Reads of 2022

Happy Wednesday, folks! I hope you all are doing well!  Can you believe that Christmas is just a few days away? Or the New Year? I’d love to find a pause button, but alas… Seeing as ‘tis the holiday season and spending time with family is super important, this will be my last post for... Continue Reading →

Lord Farleigh and Miss Frost – a book review

Lord Farleigh and Miss Frost by Sally Britton Historical Romance, Historical Fiction, Christmas, Regency, Clean Fiction Rating: Five Stars (Amazing read!) (Can I just say that Sally's book covers are amazing?? Lord Farleigh and Miss Frost is no exception!) If you're looking for a cozy holiday read full of a fledgling romance, intrigue, a dare,... Continue Reading →

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