This Gray Canvas – Book Spotlight

Happy Friday, friends, and a happy belated release day to Jaiden Phillips and her latest, This Gray Canvas!

This Gray Canvas is a middle-grade novel that’s perfect for the whole family! Keep reading to learn more about the book!

About The Book

Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in?

Ethan was born into a world of black and white, a medical condition known as monochromatic vision, but with one exception—he can see the color green. After moving from the Colorado countryside to New York City, Ethan struggles to adjust to the busy and colorless atmosphere.

When encouraged to join a local art contest by his grandfather and a peppy bookworm named Sophie, Ethan considers it. But when the bullies at school get a hold of his sketchpad, and make fun of his colorless art, Ethan wonders if he has anything worth sharing at all. Because how could anyone understand the gray canvas of his life?

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About The Author

Jaiden Phillips is a Christian author and artist from Western North Carolina. She’s the youngest kid in her family of nine (counting her parents). Often you’ll find her bringing a crazy idea to life with her art supplies, or fiercely typing away on her tablet because she refuses to use a laptop. When not lost to the world of her imagination, you can find Jaidie (as her friends call her) hiking with her family, fangirling over LotR and HTTYD, or goofing off with friends.
Jaiden is also part of a writing trio known as Sisters Three, which consists of her and her sisters Kaytlin and Marisa. To learn more about Jaiden, and her books, visit

Is This Gray Canvas on your TBR shelf yet? I’ve added mine and hope to snag a copy for my cousins! Have you read any of Jaiden’s other books? Let me know below!

Have a great weekend, everyone, and talk to y’all soon!

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